Saturday, September 30, 2017

Pronouns and BINGO!

Sometimes the most successful ideas pop up when you least expect them! That happened this week while we were playing Apple BINGO! The plan was to work on pronouns HE and SHE while we played the game. Instead of using pictures to elicit the trials we grabbed the Grandma and Dad dolls out of our apple orchard sensory bin! They perfectly held the calling cards from BINGO and the child got to decide where to place the card. As he placed them in their lap, he practiced "She has the apple pie" or "He has the apple juice". So simple!!! It was engaging and natural. The vocabulary was also rich in sibilants so we were able to target articulation within the game as well.  It's a good day when your simple game allows you to easily address syntax, articulation and vocabulary!! 

Looking for an apple BINGO? you can find one here :)

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