Thursday, September 28, 2017

Apple Themed Sensory Bin

Our kiddos are jumping right in to our sensory bin this week! We put a bean/pea/pasta mixture together and added props. Cups and straws for pretend apple cider, little white flowers for apple blossoms, small trees, plastic apples, toy pies, a basket, doll family, a ladder and our vocabulary cards. Our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Coconut tree also gets some extra mileage as an apple tree! We just got a little creative with velcro on our plastic apples. This really promotes some flexible thinking and creativity with some of our rule-governed, concrete thinkers :)

Throwing such a variety of items in the bin allows us to target a variety of goals at once with more than one friend. We can jump between auditory directions, motor imitation, articulation, vocabulary, semantics, memory and concepts just to name a few and do it all through play. 

Here we were pretending to be in the orchard with our family. The kids had a lot of fun pretending to climb up..up...up the ladder to pick apples off the tree. Then we climbed down...down...down...and put them in the bushel basket.  If our friends had a hard time incorporating trials within play, we used the sensory bin as a reinforcer following some work trials with our hands out of the bin.  It's amazing how reinforcing a sensory bin can be!!

Pretend play, demonstrating actions and labeling actions were fun with a slice of pie and our little family. 

 We love creating new sensory bins. We just have to be mindful of allergies. This bin was so easy to put together and we are loving how many skills we can cover with little hands in the bin :)

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